Rocky Patel never rests on his laurels, and these aesthetically appealing cigars are simply further proof of that commitment. Cameroonian wrapper isn’t easy to come by these days, but starting in 2003, Rocky managed to secure a stock of leaves that he aged to perfection over eight years, imparting a mottled color and an exceptional leathery/earthy, sweet-and-sour flavor; he then wrapped these around a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filled tobaccos bound with additional Nicaraguan leaf in his Danlí, Honduras factory.
These consistently well-packed sticks are bursting with rich, robust cedar and other wood aromas, along with notes of spiced nuts, syrup and coffee and subtle hints of cream, cinnamon, violet and cocoa. The finish is mildly sweet and peppery.
Rocky’s flair for the exotic with these smokes won the Churchill vitola in this line 16th place on Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 list for 2017, with an associated rating of 92. These cigars boast an immaculate draw, superlative burn and excellent smoke output. Smooth and medium-bodied, they’re considered some of Rocky’s best — perfect for enjoying any time of the day.